Sunday, February 19, 2012

This blog is becoming more about food than crafts.

With clerkship literally just around the corner (first elective starts next week!), I have been using my unusually significant free time to catch up on some crafting and cooking that I've been meaning to do. 

It is unbelievable to me that the whole classroom portion of medical school is more or less finished. Could've sworn I just started a month or so ago. Apparently, I know things now (*cue sheer panic*).

Also, I don't think I realize how often I'm cooking and eating until I go to write a blog post, and find a collection of pictures of meals that we've made. 

I recommend eating before viewing this post, as it may or may not induce serious cravings! 

Valentine's Day/Anti-Valentine's Day

I thought something crafty was necessary for the Mr. on Valentine's. Good ol' Martha had this adorable idea for a spinning Valentine's message thing (not exactly sure what to call it), so I got started. Instead of using the pictures she provides, I added in my own funny little images to make personalized sayings. So fun!

It was a book-kind of Valentine's day apparently, as we both got eachother adorable little books for V-day. 
My gift to Mr.

 This is such a cute little book. All of the pages have "something without something", like these ones - hair without do, foot without shoe. Our favourite was zoo without gnu.
He knows me too well.
Our actual Valentine's day "celebration" was post-poned by one day for the Mr. and I. He's busy busy busy studying and working lately, and so V-day landed on one of his class nights this year. 

However, with the impending doom of clerkship, I wasn't particularly feeling very lovey-dovey for Valentine's anyways.  This turned out to be perfect, as I have an excellent girlfriend who was similarly in the mood for an Anti-Valentine's Day date. Combine a little wine (ok, maybe a little more than a little), an absolutely delicious meal, some quality girl talk time, and soaking in a hottub until we were raisins and you've got yourself one dandy replacement V-day celebration (ahem, I mean anti-V-day's celebration).
I was lucky enough that the Mr. decided on our meal for our V-day do-over the next day: AAA striploin steaks and shrimp scampi over angel hair pasta. Yummo.
Here's the low down on our meal that night:
The setting:
 A romantic meal just wouldn't be right without the perfect setting. And by setting, I mean place setting. The Mr. and I had yet to use our wedding china for a romantic dinner for just the two of us, so I thought this was the perfect opportunity. With our one year anniversary just around the corner (holy moly spicoli), I feel like the china might make a reappearance for that dinner as well :)

 We started off with some Asparagus Bruschetta on rosemary baguette. An interesting take on one of our favourites, this recipe combines lime juice, blanched asparagus, tomatoes, fresh basil and goat cheese. As I'm not a huge fan of goat cheese, I replaced it with fresh parmesan. I also replaced the green onions with red onion. Next time, I'll reduce the amount of lime juice, as it was a little tangy for our tastes.
You can find the recipe here. Be prepared for some killer garlic breath!

The main course:
My mouth is watering just looking at this amazing meal.
I had never made Shrimp Scampi before, but was thrilled with how easy it was to make, and also how delicious it was! The Mr. remarked that it was just like Red Lobster!
I love recipes that use just a few ingredients and you get a WOW product. Here's the shrimp scampi recipe I used.

Addendum to the recipe however: I do not believe in "discarding" garlic, which is what this recipe recommends. In fact, I added an extra clove out of spite for the recipe. I also added some basil, and loved the bread crumbs for their ability to easily thicken the sauce. Next time, adding in some more salt and pepper. Top with fresh parmesan and voila! Magnificent!

To me, chocolate screams Valentine's Day. I had come across a recipe for easy Oreo Truffles on, and decided to try them.

And easy they are! I am going crazy imagining all of the possibilities for this recipe. I originally used Oreos as recommended, but since then have also repeated the same idea with Fudg-e-Os, and it turned out just as great!

Find this recipe here. I assumed I'd be eating more than one of these, and so took the liberty and used reduced fat cream cheese.

No chocolate should ever be wasted, so with some lonely naked strawberries lying around, what better way to use it up?

Hope you all had wonderful Valentines or Anti-Valentines celebrations this year, whichever tickles your fancy. 

A latte love,


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