First stop was Dollar Giant. What a great store for crafts! $35 later, I'm stocked up for all sorts of wonderful creations.
Then we moved on to My Sewing Room - Goodness me! The prettiest of prettiest fabrics and the most high tech sewing machines I've ever seen. I'll definitely be going back. But first, I should use up the mountain of fabric I have right? Right?
(Ugh, that's what I keep telling myself. But some of those fabrics were the stuff DREAMS are made of!)
Anyways, to get on to some of the fruits of my labours of today: an adorable dry-erase message board :)
The Mr and I are always leaving notes for eachother on scrap paper left on the counter. So I modified this idea from HowDoesShe?.com (GREAT website), used an adorable vintage postcard printable and $1.25 frame from Dollar Giant (it has a plastic piece in the front, not glass) and VOILA - functional, inexpensive and adorable message board!
Just add dry erase markers and loving messages!
These could also be great for gifts. You can use almost any image behind the plastic, or even change it up for the season.
I also printed off some other great printables for frames, and even printed a lovely saying on fabric, glued it to a dollar store canvas and propped it on a little easel. All in all, a productive and fun day.
Top that off with a delicious dinner of cedar planked salmon expertly grilled by The Mr and a homemade cafe mocha and I chalk it up to a pretty awesome weekend :)
Cedar plank + maple syrup + dijon mustard + lemon juice + fresh Atlantic salmon filet = mouthwatering!
A tree? A lion? Who knows. |
Oh I Just love that Little saying on the canvas and the salmon looks devine! xoxoxo